Top 5 Running Goals – Keep on Running

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Running goals can really make the difference! How often does it happen that you feel like ‘why should I go running today’? Some runners will say that they can always motivate themselves to hit the road but many others need some inspiration now and then.

In this article I like to share five running goals with you. I hope these goals help you to enjoy running even more!

Goal 1: Longer Distances

Running Goals

Many people can do a lot more than they would ever think they could do. For running it is the same thing. I can remember my first kilometers and running a marathon was so far away. But I made it and more than one time!

How to get ready for longer distances?

Take a period of at least 12 to 18 weeks and slowly build your kilometers to a higher level. Some guidelines:

From 5 to 10 kilometer
Your weekly training volume needs to increase to at least 30 kilometer per week divided in three sessions. You should do at least one 10K run before you race a 10K.

From 10 kilometer to a half marathon
Your weekly training volume needs to increase to at least 50 kilometer per week divided in four sessions. You should do at least one 20K run before you race a half marathon.

From a half marathon to a full marathon
Your weekly training volume needs to increase to at least 65 kilometer per week divided in four or five sessions. You should do at least one 30K run before you race a marathon.

Goal 2: Add Yoga to Your Running Schedule

Does it sound strange to you? From my own experience I can tell you that yoga for runners like you and me is really helpful and a great running goal to focus on.

Yoga helps you to get stronger muscles throughout your whole body. That is the physical advantage. You will get more efficient at breathing and running with good form will be possible even when you are tired.

Goal 3: Running to Lose Weight

Many people know that to lose weight and stay on a healthy weight is very difficult. It takes time and commitment. Research has shown that regular exercise is one thing, but a healthy diet is of equal importance.

So running for weight loss is great, but don’t forget to follow these diet guidelines:

  • Use more protein in your diet. Lean meat, beans, chicken, fish, soja and yoghurt are good resources of protein.
  • Eat something within one hour after your running workout. This will enhance your recovery and it keeps you away from unhealthy snacks.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Drink enough before, during and after your run.
  • Eat food, but don’t drink it.
  • Only eat when you are hungry.
  • Eat seven small meals instead of three big ones.

Goal 4: Explore Trail Running

Trail running is a real adventure and to start with it could be one of your running goals for this year. One moment you run through a slippery forest and the next moment you are on the beach. A wonderful challenge for every runner who wants to get more out of his training.

You continuously need to switch your pace, watch your steps and by doing this you will develop a more efficient running style.

In case you can’t find a trail running course close to your home, you can always take a train or car and explore other areas. You need to make sure that you are used to trail running before you attempt a trail running race.

Goal 5: Break Your Personal Record

Some runners can’t get more motivated than when they break their personal record. So this one I would like to mention as a last running goal to think about.

It can be a huge undertaking which requires determination, patience and a bit of luck.

How to achieve it?

  • Find a training schedule that guides you in building your miles and speed.
  • Choose two races in spring and two in autumn; one of them should lead to a PR.
  • Do some hill running to strengthen your legs.
  • Improve your speed with interval training.
  • Add some cross-training activities to your schedule.
  • Take enough time for your recovery.
  • Follow a healthy runners diet.

Now it is your turn. I would like you to share your running goals with me.

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