Running Log Stories: Your Running Journey on Paper

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For every runner a running log or running journal is the perfect place to record the details of your running life. It is a tool that can be used to keep your spirits up when you don’t think you will beat that personal record or when an injury forces you to put the sneakers to the side.

It is also a place to celebrate your victories and look back at your running story with pride and satisfaction.

Running Log

Every runner goes through a journey as they progress from that struggling beginner to that leisurely hobby runner or pro athlete. A running journal documents that journey so it is never forgotten. It becomes a story to celebrate!

The Log Never Lies

One great thing about a running journal is you have concrete data on your running life, and that data doesn’t lie.

If you have been making great progress in terms of distance, speed, or a personal record, you will see it in the log.

If you are not making the progress you expected or meeting your goals, you will see that reflected in the log as well. It is much easier to deceive yourself or blow off potential setbacks when you are not looking at it in black and white.

Inspiration on the Page

Your running log can be used to pinpoint problems in your training schedule. This will help you keep on track to meet your goals, and it can help you identify if you are training too hard before you sustain a running injury. If you record the right details, you can even look back through the running log to determine the best times and days to run certain routes.

Imagine knowing when to run downtown without the traffic, and when to hit the park without the stroller crowd blocking the pavement. Imagine looking back at a log to see how many miles you have picked up in the past month or even year.

Some writers get enjoyment from logging the miles on every pair of running shoes they own. Imagine putting on your shoes and knowing exactly how far they have carried you. Write down the races completed in each pair, and each running shoe can star in its own story.

There is so much inspiration to be gained just from writing in your running journal every time your feet hit the pavement. For those who need motivation to keep the feet going, this is the perfect tool.

How to Start a Running Log

You do not have to spend a lot of money or take a lot of time to get your running log started. This can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be. Just work your way through some simple steps:

1. Decide what you want to record in your running log.
At the least, you want to record your running time, distance, or both for every run. If that keeps you motivated and serves your need for accountability and tracking, then that is all you have to write down.

If you are like most runners and want to record your complete running journey, you can also choose to record the route, terrain, details of what you saw along the run, traffic and other obstacles, time of day and day of week, shoes and clothing worn, and type of running completed. The more detailed you get, the more useful your running journal will be over time.

2. Decide what type of log is best suited to your needs.
The options are simple: write it down in a special notebook, record it in Word or an Excel spreadsheet, or go with an online running log program or running app for your smartphone.

If you have a watch or another tool that reports to your computer, you may already have a digital running log to automatically upload into.

Use the platform that excites you and which makes the process easy for your life.

3. Make a commitment.
Finally, make a commitment to recording your runs right after they are completed. Before you even hit the shower, your data should be recorded. If you have a watch or other device to store the data, you can download once a week if you prefer.

One runner will stick with plain old pen and paper, but another might enjoy charts, graphs and other digital records. You have to find what works for you, so your running journal fits your life and becomes a valuable tool you enjoy using.

If you are quite new to running you might benefit from reading my how to start running post as well.

Good luck on your journey!

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